Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Here are some wonderful articles by an ISKCON thinker that I only recently was turned on to.
In addition, here is part one of an essay that addresses one of the central issues facing western-born Gaudiyas today. While the essay deals primarily with issues of epistemology and world-view as it relates to a sastric vs a materialistic and technological mind-set, I find that it applies to many facets of our lives- especially to those who try to imbibe a culturally Vaishnava world-view.
Part two.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

is a great exchange on Advaita Das's excellent blog.
Madhavananda Das's point about Japa vs Sankirtan or Upamsu vs Manasika and Advaita Das's point about the Conduct of our Acrayas is part of what I am hoping to soon write about re: the relationship between preaching and bhajan.